The Electoral Board and Director of Elections

The Director of Elections/General Registrar for the City of Virginia Beach is Christine Lewis. The General Registrar and her staff can be contacted via telephone at (757) 385-8683 or via email at

The Voter Registration & Elections Office maintains the current registration and elections process for Virginia Beach voters and meets mandatory state and federal standards for access to voter registration, including the regulations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). 

The National Voter Registration Act necessitated a joint program with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV); as a result, you can register to vote in conjunction with other DMV transactions at any DMV Customer Service Center during all the hours that DMV is open.

The Office supplies mail registration sites at the Virginia Beach U.S. Post Office locations, recreation centers, public libraries and the City Treasurer's offices. The Office also provides convenient ways for citizens to register to vote, update their voter registration record, vote by mail and early in-person voting and pursue their candidacy for office. The Office is also responsible for maintaining and checking the campaign finance reports of all local candidates.

The Electoral Board is responsible for the conduct of the elections and for the verification of election results. Members are appointed by the chief judge of the local Circuit Court. The voting system chosen for use by your Electoral Board in the City of Virginia Beach is Election Systems & Software (ES&S) DS200 and ExpressVote Voting System. Contact the Electoral Board Members at (757) 385-8683.

Electoral Board Members

  • Nanette Miller, chair
  • Nanette Randall, vice-chair
  • Lauralee Grim, secretary​